network Intercultural Ministries
“The good news of the kingdom will be shared worldwide as a witness to all nations, and then the end will arrive.” Matthew 24:14
The Intercultural Ministries of the Arizona Ministry Network exists to reach the distinctive cultural, ethnic, and language groups in Arizona with the Gospel of Jesus christ. We do this in three ways:
We encourage and coach our established intercultural churches to grow and expand by adding English services to their ministry and to plant daughter churches that do the same.
We encourage and coach our established english-only churches to grow and expand by adding language or ethnic specific services to their ministry and to plant daughter churches that do the same.
We find and encourage ethnic or language specific churches that are pentecostal who are not part of our assemblies of god family to join our network.
Arizona is now home for people from more than 120 different nations. Just over 45% of Arizonans can or do speak another language at home other than english. We believe God has led them to Arizona to find Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We also believe that the revival that is going to change the fabric of the Arizona landscape will be coming through our intercultural churches.
Spanish quarterly meetings
Los ministerios interculturales tienen como objetivo poner la visión en los corazones y las herramientas en manos de nuestros pastores. Proveeremos recursos para alentar y desarrollar pastores y líderes.
Church Growth conference
This is a conference to encourage International and Hispanic churches! We will cover topics on growth and expansion. How to develop daughter churches and planting new churches. How to develop systems to grow and expanding your church influence in an American culture. How to develop partnerships with English speaking churches for church multiplication.