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Arizona has many opportunities to impact a child in the foster care system and partner with the Department of Child Safety.

For help and assistance creating a strategy to reach foster children in your city or community, contact U.S. Missionary Gary Webb with OCJ Kids.

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Here are opportunities for YOUR church:

- Host Emergency Removal Collection Drives

- Host suitcase collection drives

- Schedule a team resource kit building day

- Volunteer at a seasonal foster care outreach event

- Host an outreach event at your church

- Mentor a youth living in a group home facility

- Transitional Mentor to assist a youth transitioning into independent living

- Build a Jar Full of Sunshine for group home staff and DCS case workers

- Collect school supplies (seasonal)

- Collect Christmas toys (seasonal)

- Adopt a foster group home


Emergency Removal Resources:

- Go Kits (PJs, Diaper, wipes)

- Lice Removal Medicine

- Transport Cuddle Bags

- Hygiene Welcome Kits

- Plastic Shoe box size containers

- Snack food for DCS offices

- Fast food gift cards

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Transitional Suitcase Resources

- 32 inch duffle bags with rollers

- New or gently used carry on or mid-size suitcases

- Air mattresses with built in inflator

- $100 gift cards

- 30 day bus passes

Seasonal Outreach Events

Adulting summit (APRIL)

Summer reading program (june-july)

Cowboy Camp (June-July)

Tools 4 Success Back-to-School Event (August)

One Bright Star Christmas Bowling Party (December)

Statewide Transition Success Centers:

- Become a resource center for the Department of Child Safety (DCS) office in your city

- Collect, build, store, and distribute resources as requested

- OCJ Kids will provide your church with training and make a contact with your local DCS office

student internships available

become a foster parent