YEarly Renewal

Ministerial Credentials are renewed annually.

A Credential Renewal Form will be mailed, or emailed (if you checked the box for paperless), to each credential holder during the month of November from General Council. After completing the form return Copies 1 and 2 to the District Office. Copy 3 is for the minister’s record. If you are submitting online, please be sure to make it to the final landing page which has a photo of Donna Barrett.

The application and any outstanding tithe/dues and MBF are to be sent to the District Office no later than December 31.

If a credential holder does not receive a renewal form by December 1, please contact the District Office.

Yearly renewal begins November 1st

if you choose to use a hard copy application please mail it in to

Arizona Ministry Network | Attn: credentialing | 2601 E Thomas Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85016

Deadline for renewal is December 31st

Please respond immediately to avoid any late fees. Any and all dues and Network tithes must be submitted with the renewal.

As a reminder, your National Office Dues each year are:

  • Certified - $120

  • Licensed - $240

  • Ordained - $300

Also, Tithing Requirement to the Network is stated in our bylaws as follows:

Article XII, Section 7, H-2, “It is required that each minister sends seventy-five percent of his or her ministerial tithes to the network treasurer.  Ministers doing secular work shall send twenty-five percent of their tithes to the network treasurer. A minimum of five dollars ($5) per month ($60 per year) to the network for the general fund is required of all ministers even though they may be non-salaried (i.e., student, spouse) or unemployed.”

**if you are applying for advancement of your credential you must renew at your current credential level

Late Fees

  • All renewals postmarked after December 31 will be charged a $50 late fee.

  • Applications postmarked after January 15 will require that your credentials be reinstated and it is accompanied by a $100 reinstatement fee.

Where to make the Payment

For Renewals in the grace period from January 1st-15th, the grace period, $25 comes to the Network Office (AZ Minister's Portal) and $25 goes to the National Office (

For Reinstatements after January 15th, $50 comes to the Network Office (AZ Minister's Portal) and $50 goes to the National Office (

This can be paid via checks accompanied with the renewal/reinstatement or online through this website for the Network, and for the National Office.

When giving on the National Office’s website, use Ministry Code 132077-010003 for your Renewal Late Fee and 132101 for your Reinstatement fee.

**If you have any questions about Renewing your credential, please contact:

or call 1-888-349-6004